Tuesday 1 November 2005

Major Agent Wants To Read Whole Mss

So, I've been tossing ideas back and forth with the guy (I'll call him Mr Agent) who represents another Oxford-educated biochemist. I don't seem to have suggested any changes to the mss which have utterly grabbed his attention, but on the other hand we're still talking. Even better, I'd managed to persuade him to meet me face-to-face.

Meanwhile, I actually had a request for a full manuscript, made in quite the loveliest email I've been sent about my writing, from a major agent in children's publishing, in fact the very one whose interview I read on a Website. Since I'm talking to Mr. Agent, I didn't feel like bringing Ms. Agent in, in case I'd be wasting her time.

And then she phoned me...Yep. She actually did. Had I received the email? Could I send the script?

So we talked. I told her I was meeting with Mr Agent. Ms Agent then said 'Email me the script, I'll print it out, read it in the next few days and get back to you before you meet with him'.

Very, very weird feeling, having 'interest', having agents call me...

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