Friday 2 March 2007

Chocolate and Harry Potter

Interesting to see that Galaxy (chocolate bar) are sponsoring the British Book Awards (Nibbies) this year. With a missionary zeal to persuade people to eat chocolate whilst reading!

Well if only, but I daren't; I'd get too fat.

However, this is in fact my own private ritual when it comes to Harry Potter day. The day of the new release, I'm down at little Sainsbury's in town, buying a big bar of milk chocolate and the latest copy (I went to Sainsbury's because unlike some other major book-sellers, they did not give dark warnings about running out of copies to people who couldn't be bothered to turn up at midnight...). Then it's back to mine, flop onto my bed and a day of bliss with chocolate and the latest installment of Harry.

Bit of a dilemma for JK, whether to kill the lad or not. Hmmm. I won't say what I think, in case it gives insight into my own proclivities.

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