Thursday, 19 July 2007

Wheels begin to turn...

Well my dear blog readers, it's all kicking off round our way!

My publisher - Scholastic Children's Books - announced the aquisition of "THE JOSHUA FILES" series title on Tuesday. And the news is that it seems to have grabbed some attention, which is great, which is wonderful, because it will hopefully help build awareness of the book.

My agent called me on Tuesday morning and told me that the Arts Editor of the Evening Standard wanted to interview me, which she did...and sure enough, they ran a little story in the late edition - on the same page as a big article about Harry Potter, next to one about the Arctic Monkeys.

It's not my first time in the press. But before it tended to be things like "Information World Review", on a page about Knowledge Management software and the like...

This is different and pretty, pretty, pretty cool.

I'm really looking forward to Harry Potter 7. And the huge bar of chocolate I plan to eat while reading it. The day will be sandwiched between two salsa events (Friday night and a Sunday matinee performance of the terrific UK-based son band, Soneando), so I should be able to burn the calories off...

It's my turn to see the latest Harry Potter movie tonight...

Oh...I am currently hugely enjoying watching "The New Adventures of Old Christine" a new sitcom starring my favourite of the Seinfeld four, Julie Louis-Dreyfus. So much that I think I'll give it it's own blog entry...more soon.

Still got writer's block, by the way. I have put a Recovery Plan in place. Luckily for me, it calls for things like going to the movies and reading.


Sarah Hilary said...

Yay! Huge huge congratulations once again. You. Are. A. Star.

esruel said...

It's all happening - publication and now interviews! It's gonna grow, I'm sure! Couldn't find the interview on the online version - any chance of you posting it???

Anonymous said...

Dear Maria

Very inspired by your story - as a 30 something who has given up her 'proper' job to write my first teen adventure book you've helped reassure me that it can happen! Joshua books sounds great and LOVE the fact that the Publisher's wooed you with chocolate bars - hilarous and wonderful.

Am off to meet with a big name publisher in a few weeks as they seem keen to meet me over a coffee to talk about my book. If they buy me a bar of dairy milk i know they're keen. Green & Blacks & I've got a deal in the bag ha ha !

love to email you and ask you lots more questions
Thank you for being a ray of hope for the rest of us out here in the dark sea of 'unpublished authors'!


MG said...

Hey Kitty that's great! Kudos to you for giving up your job, getting down to the writing and having a meeting in the offing. Best of luck to you. If you'd like to talk about writing and getting published and have other writers to discuss things with online, you might consider joining Litopia Writer's Colony ( My agent runs it, I'm one of the 'colonists' and if you join you'll be able to correspond with me privately. Best wishes, MG

MG said...

Esruel - I can't post the interview, would be breach of copyright. Sorry!